

世界各国ツアーで注目を浴びる、今や東京ガレージ、ロカビリー・シーンのセンター的な男女混合バンド「ストンピン・リフラフズ」の'25年新作シングルは、今年LAで起きた山火事によってWILD RECORDSのスタジオが焼失してしまう前の貴重なレコーディングテイク!A面は今や代表曲の一つ「She bites」と、B面は3rdアルバム「Burning」収録曲のboogie バージョンで、全く異なる曲調のWild recordsを意識したバージョン!ジャケデザインはViva Lasvegasのポスターや数々のアーティストのジャケットデザイン、アパレルなどでも良く知られるイラストレーター"Vince ray"‼️

■WILD社限定ジャケ付き再発7インチ [新品/NEW] ¥ 1,980(税込)

New 7-inch single will be released by WILD RECORDS‼️

This is a precious recording take from before the WILD RECORDS STUDIO was burned down in the fires that occurred in LA this year.

Side A is now one of their signature songs, She Bites, and side B is a boogie version of "Heavy Sick" from their previously released album ♪

This song has a completely different rhythm from the album version, and was remade with Wild Records in mind.

The cover design is by illustrator "Vince ray," who is well known for his posters for Viva Lasvegas, jacket designs for numerous artists, apparel, etc.‼️