★ジョニー•サンダースがシド•ヴィシャスに捧げた名曲“SAD VACATION”を、ゲストにJET BOYSのオノチン(ギター)、ピアノ•ダイヤ•サンタ(ピアノ)を迎え、惜しくも急逝したJOE ALCOHOLに捧げるべく新録カバー!
[新品/NEW] ¥ 3300

Disc One
01. Lookin' For A Trouble
02. Ballroom Blitz (Sweet Cover)
03. In The Shadow
04. Ace Of Spades (Motorhead Cover)
05. She's a Rebel
06. Cop's Are Coming
07. Hurt You
08. R.A.M.O.N.E.S (Motorhead Cover)
09. Do The Monkey
10. Gone Gone
11. Never Fall In Love Again
12. Forever Teenage
13. Keep On Rockin’
14. You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory (Johnny Thunders Cover)
15. からかわないで (山口冨士夫 Cover)
16. Do The Monkey 2001
17. Blue Suede Shoes (Carl Perkins Cover)
Disc Two
1. Teenage drlinquent
2. BABY BABY (The Vibrators Cover)
3. I Need You (The Kinks Cover)
4. Teenage Kicks (The Undertones Cover)
5. Please Don't Touch (Johnny Kidd and The Pirates
6. Long Black Hair
7. HELP (The Beatles Cover)
8. We Are The Mad Crew
9. Time For Revolution
10. どうしようもない恋の唄 (The Roosters Cover)
11. I Hate Christmas
12. Monster Beach
13. God Save The Anarchy
14. Real Cool Cats
15. This Is A Way Of Life
16. Monster High School
17. Sad Vacation (Johnny Thunders Cover)